Liaison, Department of the Air Force, 2020 - Present
Certified Master Resilience Trainer, 2018 - Present
Certified Resilience Training Assistant, 2018
President, Davis-Monthan Enlisted Spouses Association, 2018-2019
Key Spouse, 2011 - 2015
Marketing Chair, Edwards Enlisted Spouse Association, 2012-2015
Marketing Chair, Aviano Air Base Community of Enlisted Spouses, 2009-2011
Change Maker
Developed the branding and strategic communications strategy for the Department of the Air Force Fortify The Force, 2022.
Taskforce Member, the Department of the Air Force A1Z Resilience Working Group - Barrier Analysis + Communications sub-working groups, 2020-2021
Developed the Strategic Plan for the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base Military Spouse Resilience Program, 2018-2019
E-Book Published on best practices of Military Memorial Receptions, 2018
Created the initiative “After The Loss” to support pregnancy loss, 2012
Action Taker
755th Operations Support Squadron:
Partnered with the 755 Operations Support Squadron Key Spouses to host a memorial reception. Provided set up/tear down, floral, decor, food, drink, and in-service support.355th Logistics Readiness Squadron:
Hosted a memorial reception for an Airman who died of Cancer. Provided the logistics, floral, and in-service support for this memorial reception.355th Logistics Readiness Squadron:
Partnered with the Chief's Group to host a memorial reception. Jusika led 1 of 2 organizations involved in leading the logistics of a memorial reception supporting 500+ attendees. Provided the logistics, decor, floral, and in-service support.355th Operations Support Squadron:
Partnered with the Operations Support Squadron to host a memorial reception. She provided set up/tear down, decor, floral, food, drink, and in-service support.355th Component Maintenance Squadron:
Partnered with the 355th Component Maintenance Squadron to host a memorial reception. Provided set up/tear down, decor, floral, food, drink, and in-service support.Build-A-Pack Drive w/First Sergeants Council:
Secured over 9,000 donations from DMAFB, Operation Warm Heart, Raytheon, and Operation Homefront. Led a team to create 200 bags, 100 for the "Fair Share/Those In Need" List, and 100 for the deployed families. This build-a-pack drive impacted 402 Families who attended the 1st ever School Supply Giveaway on DMAFB. Donated four thousand pieces of school supplies to Borman Elementary and Sonoran Science Academy and donated 2,000 items to military spouse teachers.
Supporter of the Military Community
Jusika invited the Airman & Family Readiness Center to the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base Enlisted Spouses Association meeting for them to brief about community resources, 2018
Introduced Hiring Our Heroes Military Spouse Professional Network + DM50 to the Enlisted Spouse demographic, 2018
Jusika participated in the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base Airman & Family Readiness Center Focus Group on retain ability. Jusika also provided exclusive information that was discussed the findings and the goals at the DAF/A1 conference, 2017
Held a discussion among the military community and handed out resources re: Mental Health at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, 2017
Jusika strategically planned and hosted a First Sergeant’s and Military Spouse Panel at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base to help spouses gain familiarity with the First Sergeant role. This panel allowed other spouses to partake in the discussion and allowed for spouses to communicate the struggles that they have had and see how others possibly handle the military life, 2018
Jusika strategically organized and marketed the PACE for the Military Spouse event at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, where over 20 spouses participated, 2018
Jusika taught a Military Spouse Resiliency Component class (Value Base Goals) and a Goal Setting workshop to the Enlisted Spouses population in January of 2019 at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base. This allowed the DAF Resilience education to be taught to the military spouse audience, 2018
Jusika organized and hosted Air Force/Military Life/Local Base resource trivia night for the Enlisted Spouse population at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base furthering their education about the Air Force life and local resources, 2018
DAF/A1Z Resilience Summit, 2021
Spoke to over 700 summit attendees on resilience and its importance for the Military community.Superintendents Course at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, 2018
Spoke to the future Superintendents about Suicide and Memorial Support.
Right Start at DMAFB, 2018
Spoke to Active Duty members about the resources around the base and the community and within private organizations.Heart Link at DMAFB, 2018
Spoke to new spouses about military life and the community you can find within military life.Chapel Loft Meal Program at DMAFB, 2018
Spoke to Airman about the need for community and support services around that base.55th Electronic Combat Squadron, 2018
Spoke to the Electronic Combat Squadron during their Family Day Function about the Enlisted Spouses Club and the available resources to families.355th Rescue Squadron, 2018
Hosted a deployment send-off function for their families. Jusika spoke and provided resource information for families and spouses of the deployed members.
Volunteer Hours & Awards
26,000+ Hours Volunteered since December 2008
Presidential Award, Gold Level
Top 3 Better Business Bureau Torch Award for Ethics Winner, 2019
Coined by Chapel Loft Organization, DMAFB, 2018
Coined by Chief Alex del Valle, 12th Air Force, 2018
Coined by LTC Sullivan, 55th ECG, 2018